The Solar System
What is the Solar System and how did it come to be?
The First Vision of Space
The first vision of space from humanity’s perspective is Earth. Almost everything within physical reach lies within these confines.
The Second Vision of Space
The Solar System is our home star system. It not only contains our closest celestial neighbors, but it also represents the beginning of our cosmic journey.
What is the Solar System?
The Solar System is a star system within the Milky Way galaxy. This star system contains eight planets - as of 2025 - which revolve around our parent star, the Sun. Each planet occupies its own orbit and position in the solar system, each one unique with their own distinguishable features. These planets, in order from the Sun, are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
The Solar System is separated into three sections by two rings made of ice, dust, and rock. The two rings are the Asteroid Belt and the Kuiper Belt.
This star system not only houses our eight planets, but it also holds countless dwarf planets as well, lost, cold, terrestrial worlds.
The Solar System’s Roots and Expansions
The Nebular Hypothesis
Developed by Emanuel Swedenborg in 1734, expanded upon by Immanuel Kant in 1755, and related to the ideas of Pierre-Simon Laplace in 1796, the Nebular Hypothesis is a widely accepted theory that proposes an idea for how the Solar System came to be.
It states that around 4.6 billion years ago, a collapse in a giant cloud of molecular gas (solar nebula) formed the core of what would eventually grow into the Sun. Then, it was a small, rapidly spinning protostar. This protostar spun out the remaining surrounding molecular cloud into a protoplanetary (accretion-like) disk. Eventually, approximately 100 million years later, this disk formed the first planets, moons, and asteroids, and more notably, the gas giants.
Originally in 1734, Swedenborg proposed that planets, among the other early celestial bodies, were formed from a nebular crust surrounding the Sun. Later in 1755, Kant expanded on this idea. He also pointed out that it wouldn’t be a crust, but a disk, as the “crust“ surrounding the Sun was a nebula that would eventually flatten with time and the formation of celestial bodies. Following these advances, Pierre-Simon Laplace proposed a model in 1796 that closely resembled Swedenborg’s and Kant’s. However, in Laplace’s model, he stated that a protosolar cloud condensed into planets, forming the celestial bodies before the Sun.
After all of these proposals, the Nebular Hypothesis was abandoned sometime in the early 20th century primarily due to difficulty in the explaining the angular momentum distribution between the Sun and the planets. The model does not address this despite 99% of planets in the Solar System having some form of angular momentum. However, this wasn’t the end of the theory, as it eventually gave way to other theories, evolving into what would become known as the Solar Nebular Disk Model (SNDM).
Meet The Planets of
The Solar System
Mercury is the first of eight total planets that revolve around the Sun. It is far from habitable. Being one of the closest planets to the sun, Mercury undergoes extreme high and low temperatures and doesn’t have an atmosphere.
The second and arguably the most hellish of all eight planets is Venus. It lies fairly close to the Sun but is able to retain an atmosphere. However, Venus’s atmosphere is so thick that it traps large amounts of heat, making Venus the hottest planet in the solar system.
Earth, number three, stays in a range of the Sun called the habitable zone. This allows Earth to maintain, not only an atmosphere, but all the requirements for life. This is our First Vision of Space.
Planet Profiles
88 Days
59 Hrs.
0.3877 au
1,516 mi
(2,440 km)
28.88 million mi²
(74.8 million km²)
3.285 x 10²³ kg
3.7 m/s²
Orbital Period:
Length of a Day:
Distance From Sun:
Surface Area:
Mars is the fourth planet in the Solar System, lying just within the habitable zone, but despite this, its atmosphere is still largely deteriorated. This makes Mars a cold desolate wasteland, incapable of supporting more complex life forms beyond simple microorganisms.
The massive gas giant we know as Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System, it also is known for having the hundreds of moons, just like Saturn. However, Jupiter is primarily known for its Red Spot, one of many storms on Jupiter that last decades, but this one has lasted centuries.
The Two Giants
Often called the crown jewel of the Solar System for its massive rings, the sixth planet, Saturn, is a gas giant that has hundreds of moons. Although a large planet, it is smaller than Jupiter.
The Final Stretch
Uranus is a very peculiar plant due to its rotation on its axis. Unlike most celestial bodies that rotate upright, Uranus rotates on its side. Just like the two giants, Saturn and Jupiter, Uranus is also a gas giant.
Neptune is on the farthest reaches of the Solar System, being the eighth planet from the Sun, Neptune has some of the coldest temperatures in the Solar System.
The Dwarf Planets
The Two Rings of the Solar System
Only The Beginning…
Beyond the Kuiper Belt is the Oort Cloud, the gigantic sphere that marks the gravitational reaches of the Sun. Although we arrive at the end of the Solar System, there is much more to explore. You can go below and click the button to proceed with the journey or scroll upwards and click the button at the top to return to the astronomy page.