The Careless Chain Paradox

Hello Astron, this is a draft article that took me some time to research and write. This may not be as fun as my other articles to read but is a topic I thought was worth sharing as it explains a new concept that I made up in which includes other preexisting topics that are already well known. Anyways, enjoy!

The Careless Chain Paradox can be thought of as a general category that explains multiple other phenomena of the human brain, or rather, how we all think and function. The Careless Chain Paradox is a random thought that occurred to me upon studying global warming and why people won’t do anything about it. After brainstorming some ideas for some names and how I can actually make this a thing, I decided to coin it and make my studies on this topic official.

So what is the Careless Chain Paradox? Well it is a, as mentioned before, a category that includes numerous other phenomena, each one leading to a similar point, it's about the people. So in short, it states that everyday occurrences and problems are all usually caused by the human minds that each think:

“I don’t have to work towards something if everyone else around me is working towards the same thing.”

It is the same as-

 If there were 100 people carrying a log, and you were to stop carrying the log, your lack of contribution will hardly be noticed. However, if everyone was to think the same thing, suddenly you realize that you and everyone around you are slowly dragging the log down. But the worst part about this example, that is a main factor in the Careless Chain Paradox, is that everyone in this situation has a locked mindset, meaning they refuse to put aside their differences and instead continue to not help in thinking that somewhere-sometime along the timeline people would all of a sudden start helping again. And it is here, the very beginning in what could be a loop of what I call, the Careless Chain.

There are different sub-categories aside from the paradox that specify the situation, and the one that stands out the most out of all of them is none other than global warming. The Global Warming Phenomena adds one more ‘step’ to the chain, this step is the Crisis Realization. The Global Warming Phenomena is not a loop, but rather a one-way timeline, explaining that the cycle of the situation cannot be repeated but is rather a once occurring thing. At the very end of the Global Warming Phenomena is where the Crisis Realization sits. This event is when the people in this instance suddenly realize that not helping is no longer an option, and it is here when finally the people collectively are forced into finding a solution after the long procrastination that they have been doing.

Anyway, that was sort of the gist of the Global Warming Phenomena. Moving on, I’ll just explain what the entire tree of the Carless Chain Paradox looks like and what different theories and phenomena lie in this tree. 

Starting off, there are two types of theories, Direct Line and Loops. Direct Line theories are situations where the actions and events that occur in the timeline can only happen once unless the ultimate power, the people, change something along the timeline to force the event to occur a second time. Next we have Loops, which are self-explanatory. Loop theories or phenomena are just chains of events triggered by something that happens beforehand, the chain of events ultimately lead back to the beginning and repeat the process. An example of a loop theory is the Boom and Bust cycle, which is a slight diversion from the actual definition of a loop because the cycle increases the success of a business rather than the exact same success occurring.

So we’ve seen global warming and how we don’t do anything because we think others are doing it for us, well now let's switch to positive outcomes. Let's pretend that there is a charity for helping the poor. In this instance, usually we are given the thought that tells us to go and donate and help it out! Why? Well because in our mind in this instance, if we don’t donate, we are seens as the odd one out because we think that everyone around us is going to donate because… well who wouldn’t? “If you don’t donate, you’re a bad person!” ,our brain tells us. Don’t you see the recurring theme? We basically hop on whatever we think we should hop on. This effect repeats and repeats and keeps repeating through our brain throughout every situation.

I could go on and on and rant about all the different situations that could exist in this tree, but I think that’s enough for today. But this entire theory could also be a segway into my next article based on global warming. The main thing causing it? Well, us! The people!

       And how we all have the same thoughts as one another as we are swayed to believe that we don’t have to do anything because there are numerous others that will do it for us. It is this repetitive thought- This repetitive idea that keeps and makes us stubborn. Gives us false hope in believing that the world is slowly fixing itself because of the hard work of others we so believe exist. When in reality we are only going further down. Dropping to astonishingly low heights. This is a concept I think is the main drive to the successes, the failures, the lows and highs of our world and economy. And we best learn it ‘cause god knows what would happen if  we wield what we don’t understand.


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