More about this website…

Astron Analytics is a website where you can indulge in all kinds of astronomy concept readings. This website provides numerous articles detailing a certain topic and remaining on a single point in order to explain it as clearly as possible. This site also contains all of Astron’s older articles using more personal experiences and thinking.

How Did Astron Come to Be?

Astron Analytics was once hosted by Google Sites before being transferred to Wix. From Wix, Astron was able to grow out and expand before finding Squarespace, where we have stayed up to now.

Who Am I?

Hello everyone! My name is Kevin. I often refer to myself as “we”, but it should be noted that this website is a one man team. I originally created this website as a short term project for fun. However, as time passed, I began to realize how much time I have invested into the website and what a shame it would be to lose it. Instead of a short-term project, this website has become my future reference and stands as a monument for what I’ve learned.

Astron Analytics has become a way to show that I can not only learn new concepts, but I can retain them as well. I hope that one day I can become an aerospace engineer and look back this website to guide me along the way. I also hope that this website can become an inspiration for anyone else that needs the motivation to do the things they want to do. As for me, this is my fuel to one day become what I hope, do what I wish, and accomplish what I dream.


Promotion of this small website is quite difficult. We will not force you to promote, but just feel free to do so! Astron found out that even 1 share with a friend or family member can boost this website quite a bit.